Kuta – Bali 2
Another amazing day in Kuta, Bali so we decided to explore more and shop!
This place was full of wall to wall tourists.
I went inside my favorite store but didn’t find any goodies.
They had such amazing murals by many artists which has become a great photo spot.
Even famous artist, Sheperd Fairey, left some of his famous work in Bali.
Photo time!
This was a crazy fish foot spa! It felt a little weird having little tiny fish attack your feet.
This was an indoor garden.
Rendy ran into some of his old friends!
Be careful what you touch while shopping in Bali.
It was an amazing adventure, checking out a lot of awesome stores and exploring the area.
We took some photos and then headed to the beach.
Be sure to check out my next post for more food and adventure.
Edited by Larnna Thompson
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