9292 Korean BBQ , ATL, GA

Julius invited me to join his friend’s birthday party dinner at a local famous Korean BBQ. Also invite several, local food bloggers, and writers. We’re on the way!

Check out this homemade bat-mobile.

The grill had real charcoal and personally that’s the best flavor for bbq. The sides of the grill had small appetizers such as eggs and cheese.

Here’s the meat combo we ordered.

The steak cooks right in front of us and after it is ready the waitress will come and cut pieces for everyone.

the perfect cook with Medium Rare and the steak is so soft.

They also made kimchi fried rice. Loved the flavor.

Thanks for taking me to these great dinners and meeting a couple of new friends, for sure can’t wait to meet them soon again.

check more for the vlogs :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5oENH3jLKg

Edited By: John A
