Full Sail / Fundamentals of Music Business
A huge thank you goes out to Nat Carpenter for inviting me as guest speaker for his class / Fundamentals of Music Business at Full Sail University.

Normally my presentation is about sharing my journey about building my brands. The Presentation lasted around 15 min plus a Q&A session which totaled around two hours in the class.

Maihiro Statements ” Design By Belief” is sharing our passion with others and building a great community.

“Passion” is one of the most important things in everyone’s life. It is finding a path to continue, not just in the career they want but also with their happiness. Passion is what gives you the motivation to keep creating and be better every time.

Walt was a person who made the world changed. building the most happiness place in the world. I truly believed his vision has relating it from his passion for animation, with his creation for Mickey and passion keep moving forward so he able making the world differences.

Next Nat did a Q&A session and asked questions relating building business.

After the session, we had students participating in a giveaway. A photo contest, best photo wins some cool Maihiro swag.

It was a tremendous pleasure to be able to present to these students who are intending to build businesses. Thank you Nat and Full Sail University for connecting me with a plethora of students who have a passion for the entertainment industry, everyone I met today is looking to start their journey into the creative world. I always appreciate the moments of meeting new friends and supporting them!
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